Sunday 6 February 2011

paolo nutini

paolo nutini is one cool kid. he's a musician from Scotland (with an Italian name) and he makes some beautiful music. his first album, These Streets, was released a couple of years ago and it contained a couple of radio hits like Last Request, Jenny Don't Be Hasty, and New Shoes. it also contained the very pretty White Lies, which i'm listening to right now and which is making me very happy :)

his latest album, Sunny Side Up is a little different in that it's not as commercial and radio-friendly. it's a lot more folky and quirky, which i like. here's a video of him performing one of his new songs, Growing Up Beside You. i reallyreally like this song... i like to think of it as a wedding song (which is kind of a weird thing to do, but i'm a girl and a romantic).

i have to put this video in too 'cause it just makes me smile so much. doesn't it look like they're having so much fun?