Sunday 27 February 2011

aussie authors

i think i have a thing for Australian authors. some of my favourite authors throughout school, like Morris Gleitzman, Jaclyn Moriarty, and Judith Clarke, have been Australian. i don't know what it is about them, but the stories are almost always a little strange or quirky; they're not quite "normal", and i love that.

in primary school, i used to read collections of short stories by Paul Jennings (another Aussie) and they were the Weirdest Stories I've Ever Read. seriously. there was one about a boy whose lips got stuck to an ice statue he was kissing. (fo' real) they always creeped me out a little, but they were fascinating and addictive.

my favourite Aussie authors are two females, though: Jaclyn Moriarty and Judith Clarke. their stories are not quite as weird, but there's still an element of magic and fantasy in them. i think they've influenced my writing a lot. there's something dream-like about their stories, even though they are about everyday life, which is something i try to capture in my short stories (i don't know if i manage to achieve this, though :) )

so i'm grateful to Aussie authors. they've broadened my horizons a little, and taught me to think and write with imagination and creativity. and a little bit of weirdness to keep things interesting.

Recommended Aussie books:
  • One Whole and Perfect Day - Judith Clarke
  • Feeling Sorry For Celia - Jaclyn Moriarty
  • The Spellbook of Listen Taylor - Jaclyn Moriarty
  • Kalpana's Dream - Judith Clarke
  • Blabber Mouth - Morris Gleitzman
  • Water Wings  - Morris Gleitzman
  • any collection of short stories by Paul Jennings. they usually have titles like "Unreal!" or "Uncanny!" or "Wicked!"

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