Wednesday 2 February 2011

dancin' like a fool

i love dancing. which is funny 'cause i can't really dance. i ain't got no "natural rhythm". at all. in fact,  i look like a complete loser when i dance... but it's okay.

the thing is, everyone looks like a dork when they dance (well, except those crazy-cool people on Step Up and suchlike). if you don't believe me, just look at people the next time you're at a party: arms flailing, lips pouting, hips shaking in ways you've never imagined... they look a little lame. but the important thing is that they're enjoying themselves. they may never boogy their way into a 50 Cent music video (i like the word "boogy"), but at least they're allowing themselves to have fun.

i used to be one of those people who just looked on while others tore up the dancefloor, but after a while i realised that i really wasn't having fun. so i tried a little dancing... i nodded my head in time to the music... i allowed my friends to drag me onto the dancefloor... and it was the best feeling ever. a couple of years afterwards, and i'm still making a complete fool of myself with the best of them :)

everyone looks lame when they're dancing. but the one thing that's lamer than that is being too scared to dance at all. because, believe me, there is nothing more fun than moving along - completely out of time and carefree - to the beat of an awesome dance tune.

just look at ol' John Travolta - does he look ridiculous or what??

1 comment:

  1. i have to comment on this, even though it's from a couple months ago... because this is EXACTLY me right now :) varsity students are the funniest dancers! but my friends and i have come up with some amazing dance moves, which you pretty much have to witness to believe. i used to be the shy, retiring type who would stand against the wall and observe people's random dance moves... but no more, i say! i shall instead go out, make a fool of myself and have a ridiculous amount of fun! :)
