Tuesday 1 February 2011

awesome austen

my sister and i have recently discovered the amazingness of Jane Austen. for those of you who haven't heard of her, Jane Austen wrote classic romance novels like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility among others.

i will admit that before i actually tried reading Pride and Prejudice, i thought classic novels were a complete bore and went nowhere slowly. and the truth is, they are slow-paced... but there's something beautiful about that too. one gets taken to a place where people are more relaxed and less stressed about life in general; a place where people actually listen to each other and take the time to have meaningful conversations (after all, they had nothing much else to do). it's also a place where love and romance were much more simple and innocent, which i like a lot. Jane Austen's books are the ideal treat for a hopeless romantic, like me. no matter what happens, you can always be sure that true love will conquer all in the end - what more could you ask for, really?

romance novels - especially classic romance novels - are not for everyone, though. i have a friend who just loves reading stories about gruesome murders and psychopathic killers *shudder*. but, really,  i think everyone should try to read a classic. if we were all a little more open-minded, i think we could discover a whole new world of things to enjoy. because where's the fun in sticking to the tried-and-tested when there's so much more?

and if you don't like reading, there's always the movie:)

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