Monday 14 March 2011

to fly

one of my favourite dreams to have is the flying dream. in my flying dreams, i sort of float around the earth in a cool way, and it's the most amazing feeling ever. and when i wake up, i'm filled with this deep, empty longing; i feel like something beautiful has been taken away from me and i'll never get it back.

i have a slight obsession with flying. and i don't mean flying in aeroplanes (because that is an uncomfortable experience like no other. plus, the only time you realise you're actually flying is when you take off and land) i'm obsessed with the idea of floating above ground, with no wings, no plane - nothing but yourself. it's one of my biggest wishes and it's something i dream about from time to time. i even wrote a song about it, once. it was a lame song. :) 

when i dream about flying, i am completely happy and at peace. my heart beats loud and fast; it feels like i'll never be happier. i don't really know how to describe it... it's exciting, slightly scary, invigorating, beautiful. 

to fly is my wish. i don't really know what to do about that wish. all i can do is dream. 

"My soul is in the sky."  - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

image from

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