Friday 4 March 2011

Fantasy Books

(posted by Roanne)

i've always wondered why we imagine so many things like they are in reality. think about a butterfly: even in your head, where the laws of physics are as unlimiting as a blank canvas, their wings are still proportionate to their bodies and they fly pretty similarly to a normal butterfly. i guess it's because we're so used to seeing things one way- through the eyes of logic and the natural. the thing about fantasy books is that you get to dream. to imagine and to see things differently. i understand if you're saying " all i ever get from fantasy books is weird looking creatures and forests" i'll admit, forests do seem to be prominent in fantasy books (they seem to encourage magic in general.) but just push past the initial hesitance and you might find that you enjoy breaking free and letting your imagination have some running space. you're surrounded by this world where the mundane doesn't exist and fears are magnified, dreams are magnified, possibilities are magnified. it's exhilarating and breathtaking- wonderfully impossible.

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