Saturday 29 January 2011

curlygirl says hi

hello there!

wow. this is our First Blog Post Ever on curlygirl and we are really excited. why, you ask? well, because this idea has been growing and developing in our heads for ages, just waiting to burst out in a sky blue-coloured cloud of amazing-ness (sky blue is curlygirl's favourite colour).

the idea is basically this: we want to create a space for discussions about art (including visual art, design, dance, photography, film, poetry, creative writing), music, books, social issues and everyday life, as well as for sharing some of our own art with the world. because art is amazing. it makes everyday life more bearable, more enjoyable, and more beautiful.

we really really hope you enjoy this blog.

"As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life.  ~John Lubbock"


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