Tuesday 19 July 2011

it's just picturesmovingreallyfast!

Stop-frame animation is one of my favourite things in the whole world. (I know I say that about a lot of stuff, but I really do have many favourite things. The world is full of amazing and beautiful ideas, and they’re all my favourite)
I think it’s amazing how much thought and creativity goes into making even the simplest little animation. I think it’s amazing how just putting lots of pictures together and making them move really fast adds so much life to an otherwise lifeless art form. I think it’s amazing how animation can add character, personality, individuality to completely inanimate objects – I love it.
Having made a few animations in school, I know a little bit of how much effort goes into the planning, photographing, and editing of an animation, and I have bucketloads of respect for people who have mastered the art (especially those who make entire full-length animated films! The mind boggles…) It takes a special kind of patience and perseverance to keep clicking away on that camera for hours, knowing that in the end it will all pay off in the form of a two-minute-long video clip.
Some of my favourite movies ever were made using stop-frame animation. I think they’re just so much more beautiful, and have so much more character than normal films. Movies like Coraline (which scared the heck out of me!), Wallace and Gromit, and Fantastic Mr. Fox make me soso happy. Just seeing the detail – the tiny stitching on every item of clothing; the ridiculously expressive faces – makes me marvel. They aren’t just movies – they’re works of art.

and here's a stop-frame animation video i am soso proud of, even though i had no part to play in the making of it, because it was made by some of my friends for the launching of our Youth group's new name, the Red Riot. i think it's amazing. but that's just me.

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