Monday 2 May 2011

excellence in advertising

so, my cousin told me about this website called iDale ... so i went there. and i found some really cool stuff!
like me, Dale Immerman (the guy who writes it) loves creative advertising and design. i had found a happy place indeed :) 

i think clever advertising adds so much interest to our daily lives, and can turn something otherwise annoying into something you actually enjoy seeing (anyone have a favourite advert?). i love it when advertising companies go the extra mile; when you can just see how much thought and creativity has been poured into a project; when advertising is done with excellence. and, okay, it's not very often you see advertising like that. let's face it, most of us are stuck watching brainless infomercials and insurance ads the majority of the time. but when i see a really thought-provoking, clever, or just plain funny advert amidst the everyday drivel, it reminds me that excellence is possible. it reminds me that innovation is still alive, and that we live in a world of endless possibilities. 

so. after that rather long ramble, i think i should show you some pretty darn cool business cards and adverts from iDale:

this business card for a personal trainer is really cool: the idea is that you're getting a "workout" before you even call!

i love this. (don't really know what to think about the fact that they have a Cheese School in New Zealand, though....)

this is a really clever ad showing the face-detection setting on this camera

this is just too cool! imagine seeing this on your wall
LOVE this!
and my personal favourite:

this is crazy-cool. it's an advert for a yoga instructor :)


  1. me too! he's a cool kid.

  2. How do you phone the personal trainer? One hand on the phone, and two to stretch the business card...
